Saturday, September 24, 2011


This post is dedicated to a special style of music that I find kind of cool. This style of music is called えんか, or enka. Now, I'm not quite sure what it is (I've heard very few songs that are classified as enka), but my girlfriend says that it is typically sung by older Japanese women and evokes a sense of loneliness. The video above is an example of enka from Kill Bill.

However, I first realized what this genre was when my girlfriend showed me this video. It is of a black enka singer named Jero. I thought it was interesting because he is the first black enka singer ever. It is very uncommon for young people to sing enka (so I've heard) and I thought it would be something cool to share.


  1. ぼくはモルケーヒーです。ノトルダムだいがくでべんきょうします。ぼくはミゲルさんのおんがくをすきです。I've been in love with Kill Bill forever, and I think it's awesome that your touching on a style of music that's really unknown in the world. Keep it up.
